Smart ePaper

New Way of Prescription Writing

Say Good-Bye to Physical Prescription Papers and Hello to Next Generation ePaper with paper-like experience. SmartLTC’s introduces Smart ePaper for the caregivers to improve and ease the existing workflow and prescription writing process.

Smart ePaper Features

We empower doctors and nursing staff to access resident data with critical information, ePrescription writing, and orders history in real-time. The Smart ePaper app is intuitive, secure, and feature-rich.

Paper Like Experience

Next-generation paper-like experience and transition from physical paper to digital paper. No more choppy order and missing stroke issue with WYSIWYG experience. No additional training is required for the users.

Resident Info

Facilities staff can view resident details, active medication, medical records, and issued prescriptions in one place. Provide all the detailed descriptions of the allergies, illnesses, diagnosis, height, weight, health card number, and relevant information.

New Admission

Nurses can quickly and efficiently enter new resident data and process for the other recent admission. Resident and resident’s records are available for the facility and pharmacy in real-time.


Hassle-free re-admission process for the resident when the patient returns from home. All the new orders and re-admission forms are sent to the pharmacy.

Digital Prescription

The ePrescribing process submits prescriptions and automatically transmits them to the pharmacy in no time: no more choppy order, illegible writing, missing stokes, or missing faxes.

Order Viewer

Easy Remote and in-app access to resident’s order history can filter with dates and search by resident’s name.

How-to videos

Smart ePaper: A New Way of Prescription Writing

Frequently Asked Questions About Smart ePaper

Do you have a question about Smart ePaper? In the below-mentioned FAQ, we tried to answer most of the questions that our customers have about Smart ePaper.

You may go through them to find the best answers to your questions. If then also your questions are not listed, please feel free to visit our Contact us page and submit your queries, and our team will get back to you at the earliest.

What is Smart ePaper App?

Smart ePaper App is a new way of writing designed for the doctors and nurses to quickly write the prescription, view resident’s details, resident’s medication history, and any other details required for prescription writing.

It helps them to avoid carrying and managing big binders and accommodate all required details digitally in one place. Compact devices and an easy user experience make this more handy.

Users don’t require any extra training to start using this system. Moreover, it gives them the actual paper-like experience while writing the prescription.

What does Paper Like Experience mean?

A paper-like experience means that users get a natural feeling of the paper while writing on this device and experience the same paper effect.

It gives an eye-friendly reading and writing experience for the users. Its interface gives the looks and feels like the actual paper.

What Service does it provide?

Smart ePaper provides services such as ePrescription writing and sending to respective pharmacies, patient’s new admission, and the Re-admission process with ease.

It is a Next-generation paper-like experience software that transitions from physical paper to digital paper very realistic and smooth.

  • No more choppy order
  • No more missing stroke issue with WYSIWYG experience
  • No additional training is required for the users.

The platform is highly secured with a data encryption policy for healthcare data.

Is the patient health data secure?

Yes, we understand the criticality and sensitivity of healthcare data, and therefore, our entire Smart LTC product suits are built with 3D encryption in place.

Smart ePaper has undergone rigorous testing to ensure that all security standards are current and in compliance with federal and provincial privacy regulations.

Patient data will be kept secure and entirely confidential, and it will not be available or used for commercial purposes.

Is it HIPAA and PHIPA Compliant?

Yes, our entire SmartLTC product suits are in Compliance with HIPAA and PHIPA.

Does this application work offline also?

Smart ePaper’s current version does not support the offline feature, but it is our current roadmap of product development. We are very soon introducing this feature in our future version.

I have a question, and I can’t see that here. What can I do?

No worries, visit our Contact us page and submit your queries, and our team will get back to you at the earliest.