SmartLTC is bringing
the future of Healthcare

Who We Are

SmartLTC is Canada’s leading electronic health record (EHR) technology partner for Long Term Care and Nursing Homes. We are helping to improve Canadians’ health by partnering and engaging with collaborators to promote the growth, implementation, and successful use of digital health solutions across Canada.

Also, we have a dedicated team of healthcare professionals, engineers, and developers devoted to excellence and continuous improvement. We work with stakeholders, front-line staff, and industry-leading experts to address our healthcare system’s challenges.

SmartLTC is a leading supplier of cloud-based home health care software. An end-to-end approach covers electronic prescribing, Order processing, remote payer pour faire des devoirs patient monitoring, Facility Workflow management, and much more functionality.

We provide a platform for organizations to step ahead with innovation for future long-term care and retirement home care.


  • SmartLTC’s primary goal is to provide the best in advanced and innovative EHR technology to facilitate service delivery excellence for our clients.
  • Healthcare technology is segmented, where information can found in pockets, and users struggle with healthcare storage facilities rather than an integrated healthcare system. Without accurate interconnection between health care providers, users are experiencing incomplete data and patient information.
  • Our goal is to reshape healthcare with the strength of machine intelligence and human-centered design to allow you to focus on patient care instead of paperwork.
  • By integrating a single point of accessibility to the healthcare community, providers can utilize the maximum potential of care delivery, both now and in the coming years.


  • SmartLTC aims to realize the vision of healthier Canadians through innovative digital health solutions. We are passionate about creating pioneering health technology by linking pharmacies, health care providers, and care homes and institutions through machine learning, IoT, and people-centered design.
  • Our products intend to improve existing systems and develop relationships between physicians, caregivers, pharmacies, and patients by building a virtual space for collaboration between care institutions. We also enable health care professionals to collect and share information on the go.
  • We strive to improve quality, safety, and patient experience by moving to a world-class digital environment, ensuring precise information to the right provider at the right time. Professionals associated with the care of the individual will obtain whatever they need to improve their care-giving experience.


  • We help deliver the best safety and access to treatment and deliver medical services to patients and doctors. We have also formed a collaborative culture that incorporates clinical, nursing, medical, operational, and technical expertise.
  • This essence of ‘digital health’ highlights improving the health and well-being of the senior citizens we serve and their caregivers.

Our Team

What We Do

Since 2005, SmartLTC has begun developing cloud-based solutions that fix the problems faced by LTPAC and senior care providers.

  • Quality Resident Care is a core aspect of our business and our applications. The SmartLTC system integrates and streamlines workflows, delivering the correct details at the right moment to optimize care delivery decisions. Data collection, documentation, and reporting are all done with ease, ensuring maximum resident-care time and decreased computing time, emphasizing the agency’s collective commitment to provide dedication to delivering the best quality of care.
  • We studied, learned, and researched to identify all the gaps between care workflow to connect meaningfully through our smart ecosystem solution that helps them make smarter decisions for their homes, agencies, residents, and facility staff.
  • Communicate and collaborate more meaningfully and efficiently with your healthcare network, using our highly optimized solutions, driven by a mobile-friendly and regulatory-compliant.

Whom We Work With

  • SmartLTC provides an innovative ecosystem for healthcare and virtual healthcare in many healthcare sectors, including residential and community care, long-term care, acute care, and primary care. Our clients include governments, state health agencies, regional health integration networks, hospitals, seniors, the living community, organizations, and clients.

Where We Operate

  • SmartLTC provides services in rural and urban areas throughout Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. We serve nearly 50,000 residents in more than 900 elderly and other groups (long-term nursing institutions, transitional institutions, assisted living facilities, and community homes). Our pharmacy enforcement centers’ network offers high-volume solutions for the cost-effective delivery of chronic medications and other advanced clinical pharmaceutical facilities.

Commitment to Our Clients

  • At SmartLTC, we are committed to delivering smart technology solutions to help our clients meet their economic, regulatory, and resident-care objectives. We intend to establish a long-term relationship with each one of our customers. The foundation of this partnership is our Service Excellence-to predict needs and offer solutions that exceed standards. We are motivated by our partners’ commitment to advance the quality of their life experience in care.
  • We’re sharing this passion. We will continue to spend our resources developing the best technology software to ensure our customers’ success. Apart from all these, our commitment to change the way experimental new medicines get to patients makes clinical research more agile, secure, and more friendly for those who participate.
  • We are now showing that we can make clinical programs smaller and quicker and use remotely captured data to predict crucial health effects and understand diseases.